Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Spring Green

Today was an absolutely beautiful day.  The trees are leafing out showing off their many colors and blossoms, and the sky was dotted with rain clouds that lightly dropped their moisture here and there.  Everything smells new!

After voting I worked at starting some more sunflower seeds - a vole or something got into the greenhouse and dug up all of the sunflower seeds I previously planted and ate them.  Ugh!  I started Charentais, Green Nutmeg, and Moon and Stars melons, more Blue Hubbard squash, and Ground Cherries; the greenhouse is almost full.   I hope to finish the field work soon. 

My onions came in the mail so I had to get them planted.  I built a raised bed in the field  next to the jerusalem artichoke bed and planted them.  There was lots of room left in the bed when I was finished so I transplanted my over-wintered leeks there, as well.  There is still some room left so I think I will transplant my Egyptian Walking Onions there, too.  I think working permanent raised beds will be alot easier for me.

We have new tenants -- a pair of Canada geese have a nest down by the little lake in the big marsh next to the field and were proudly walking five downy babies yesterday.  Looks like I'll have to leave Sandy, the Swamp Creek dog home when I go out to the field so she doesn't get "terrorized" by a protective parent!

Talk to you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:34 AM

    I am a fan of Sepp Holzer, live urban so have little experience, thinking of burying some wood deep in my beds. I noticed you had him highest on your list of suggested reading but I don't see the beds, passive heating, watering, and scramble planting that I would normally associate with Sepp. What parts of your education of his methods did you enjoy and employ in your farm. I am not being smart A**. I am urban and my lot is small, small, small. You produce much more than I ever could. I enjoy your writing very much. Zone 5B, Milwaukee, Kim
