Welcome home from Afghanistan 783rd MP BN! We got a call this morning from our soldier girl, Sarah. She made it safe and sound to Hattiesburg, MS where she'll rest up a few days before heading North to Chicago to stay with her godmother while she looks for a "civilian" job. Sarah doesn't like the idea of "living in the middle of the forest". No shopping here in the Northwoods. Well, she's young LOL. She can always come be a farmer if she wants. We are very proud of her and all our troops -- and the Army thinks she's pretty awesome, too.

We're celebrating Sarah's homecoming with ham and cheese potatoes for lunch, and afterwards, Tom is going to cut the grass and I'm going to start butchering a couple of the chickens (before the foxes get all of them!). I'm still trying to find a Featherman plucker to rent for a day so I can ask Lorie and her boys to come help me butcher the rest of them.
What a happy day!
Glad to know the unit made it home. My husband was with this unit in Afghanistan and stayed behind (MAJ Michael Stellato). I was wondering if the rest made it back and so I found this post after using Google. Welcome Home Sarah!