Saturday, June 02, 2007

Planting and More Planting

We have been VERY busy planting in between the good rain that has come to us this week. Tom re-tilled a couple of the veggie sections for me and I planted early cabbages, dill, onions, lettuces and beets next to the potatoes; and Mandan Bride flour corn and sunflowers went where the wheat was last year. I split that section in half and will plant the squashes and cucumbers in the second half next week. Since it was so hot and dry early on, the oats have not made a good showing and I will till them under and put the tomatoes there. If the peas don't start showing better, I will till them under early and plant green beans sooner than I originally planned. I set up the bamboo tepees for the pole beans, and will plant the rare bush beans in between the teepee rows. The okra, hot and sweet peppers, eggplants, and melons will find their happiness in the high tunnel. Herbs will be planted here and there, wherever I find an opening: I am still working on the design for my medicine wheel garden.

Today, Eddy and I helped Tom plant his corn in the house garden by the farm. He only wants squash and sweet corn there and will put whatever else he wants in the little garden by our house. We finished just as it started to rain. Planting sure goes fast when you have help!

I drew a diagram of the field as it stands this year. I hope you can read my scrawl. If you click on the picture, it will open in a new screen and will be more readable. Use your back button to return to the blog.

Started more sweet peppers in the basement, and I know beans don't like being transplanted, but I am afraid the longer season beans won't have enough time to mature if I direct plant, so I planted a flat of pole beans: Cherokee Trail of Tears, Speckled Cranberry, Scarlet Runner, and Rattlesnake. I think we will be done with the cold weather after next week.

Well, I have to go close up the high tunnel and put the chickens to bed. I can't wait to have enough produce to take to the farmers market! Talk to you soon!

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