Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mothers Day Weekend

Yesterday was very sunny, not a cloud in the sky. The air was much cooler than it has been, but I guess that is normal for now as May 11, 12, and 13 are known as "The Three Chilly Saints" --days where the last of winter makes itself felt. I watched a pair of eagles in a mating flight over the field. I never saw such a thing before. It was beautiful.

I got a lot done. I hoed the rest of the raspberries, currants, and horseradish, and I re-hoed the rhubarb and garlic. I pulled the mulch back from 5 of the apple trees and decided to go ahead and dig up the two pear trees and Knobbed Russet that were on their last legs. I'll order new trees for planting this Fall as I think Fall planting does better here than planting in the Spring. I watered everything in the field. I hope it rains. As Sunday is Mothers Day, I am going to do NOTHING except eat Tom's bar-b-que! Dad is coming. I called Mary, but she is beat from driving down to Madison to pick up young John, and they are all going to Big John's mom's house.

I remembered all the women of my family this morning as I watched Mass on tv -- the "speed" Mass from the Bronx, but still it was church. I also called Aunt Dorothy to wish her a happy Mothers Day. Bill just turned 90 on May 1st, and she and he were going to Teresa's house for brunch.

Happy Mothers Day to you all!

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