Monday, April 30, 2007

Long Day

Boy, am I beat! Spent most of the day in the field. I finished planting the elderberries, plums and juneberries. I planted 12 juneberries along the driveway and surrounded them with stones to make it easier for me to find them. I will start looking for flowers to plant around them. I like any native flowers. I still have the hazelnut trees and I received 5 free spruce trees to plant. Whew! My knees and back are killing me. After I planted, I watered the orchard. I am so happy with the trees: all of the cherries are leafing out and all of the apple trees either have buds or are leafing out. That Chestnut Crab is taking off; I wonder if that is characteristic of all crabs. Even the Knobbed Russet, which I was giving a last chance this year, has new leaves. Unfortunately, the pears are the bad news. They are not looking good at all. I will keep my fingers crossed with them.

In the perennial section, all of the currants are leafing out, as are most of the gooseberries. The rhubarb is starting to take off and the garlic is looking great. I took a break and munched on chives. The moon is in Scorpio for the next three days so it is a great time to get plants in the ground. I want to get the high tunnel planted and the oats and wheat and peas in the ground. We are expecting rain tonight and tomorrow, so I hope I can still get some planting in.

Well, I'm going to go take some Arnica and fix a cup of tea. Good night all!

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